December, 2017
It doesn’t seem possible that another year has almost come to an end. But we did just finish celebrating Thanksgiving with 12 family and friends ages 10 to 97 from Mexico and Thailand as well as the US. That was just one thing we could be thankful for.
Grandson Daniel and his wife Glory have been busy the past few days cutting down the dead pine trees from our property, almost 100 at latest count. We are thankful for their help in quickly completing this important job. Following four years of drought, insects attacked and killed these trees. Last winter we had more rain so we hope that will help us keep the many trees that still remain. Daniel and Glory have been dividing their time between here and Washington state where Glory’s family live.
At latest count we have many medical members in our family. Daughter Linda is an ER doctor in southern California but comes up to check on us every few weeks. Fortunately at 97 and 87 we haven’t had too many emergencies to keep her busy.
Grandson Ben Medina is an ER nurse in Dayton, Ohio.
Ben's sister Kandice is an ER nurse in San Diego, California, and another sister, Krista, is an ER nurse in Memphis, Tennessee. Jason Bird, husband of Kandice is a Physical Therapist and Brendon Boyd, husband of Krista is studying to be a Physical Therapist.
Great-granddaughter Laurel Fulgham has her bachelor’s in nursing and is studying for her Master’s degree. All this while working and being a wife and mother of our precious little great-great-grandson Eli Thomas who will soon be two years old.
Of course we also have a dentist in the family, Norman Medina, husband of our youngest daughter Lanita who is a nurse but spends most of her time helping Norman or encouraging people with her Creative Memories photo album business.
Their youngest daughter Kami Kay is also studying to be a nurse which she will finish in another year.
Our great-granddaughters Gillian and Emilia Trujillo keep busy with school in Reno, Nevada. Gillian is a senior in high school and a real song bird, singing in Sound of Music recently. In spite of a leg injury last year Emilia is working on getting her third black belt in Karate so nothing will slow her down.
Although we did plant some garden this summer, it didn’t produce as well as we had hoped. We always try to plant some extra potatoes for the gophers, but they took more than their share this year and we got very few.
We don’t know why the corn and tomatoes didn’t do well, but we were able to freeze some corn and can some tomatoes for winter. We were thankful that our table grapes did well and Diana was able to make grape juice for their use and some for us also. As we get older we don’t eat so much, so don’t need much put ahead.
Our kitchen hadn’t been painted for six years, and a smoky cook stove had done it’s work. After using that stove for more than fify years, we decided it was time for a change. Now our kitchen has a new coat of paint and we have a new stove, so it’s like a new house for these two old folks.
At Christmas this year all of the Medina family, except those who have to work, and Dr. Linda will join volunteers for three days from all over the United States in Phoenix, Arizona to participate in Pathways to Health. This is a program where free health care is given to anyone who needs it, and thousands have been helped in other parts of the U.S. at other times.
Fred and Diana have been able to bless many by conducting a vegan cooking class once a month. Whenever I have computer problems, Fred helps with those and also does the formatting of this letter.
As the year comes to a close we send our greetings to all of you and pray that you will have a happy and successful year to come.
~ Betty & Celian Adams ~ |
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