December, 2009
As the colorful leaves which we have been enjoying so much on the trees now cover the ground, we realize that 2009 is fast coming to an end. Why is it that time seems to go by so fast as we move slower and struggle to keep up? Arthroscopic surgery on Celian’s left knee has slowed him down some, but Betty’s cataract surgery was less invasive.
Although we have enjoyed traveling for many years, now we are happy to stay home and hear about our grandchildren’s adventures in other countries. Our grandson, Daniel Adams just came home for a visit a few days ago after spending almost two years in Bolivia. While living there he taught at an orphanage, worked at a Christian television station, and interacted with children of prisoners in one of the large cities.
His favorite occupation was working as a mission pilot, flying a small plane to many areas, transporting patients, medicines, volunteers, and other passengers. He plans to return to Bolivia, but hopes to get some more flight training first.
Last February, Krista Medina spent several weeks on a mission trip to India where she had many interesting experiences. Since she has already been to Peru, Ecuador, and Chile on previous mission trips, she’s getting to be quite a world traveler for a girl who recently turned 17. Now she’s being challenged by studying at the same school in Pennsylvania where her brother and sister graduated.
After finishing two years of college, Ben Medina is teaching English and music at Linda Vista University in southern Mexico. This is the same school where we lived for many years while our children all studied and where I (Betty) also taught English. Fred and Diana also lived and taught there so it’s like home to our family. (Ben thoroughly enjoys life in Mexico!)
Kandice Medina has been enjoying life as an emergency room nurse at a hospital in Los Angeles for the past year. She is very popular with the patients and other nurses because of her kind and caring ways. Her Aunt Linda works at the same hospital as an ER doctor where she puts in long hours, but she still manages to fly up to check up on us now and then. Since Fred and Diana live near us, they can tell on us if they think we aren’t acting our age.
Although Kami Kay is the only chick left at home in Maine, she keeps from getting too lonesome by helping Mom Lanita with her Creative Memories scrapbooking business while Norman is a busy dentist.
Last February Lanita and Kami Kay came out to join some of us at a mountain retreat for a few days of scrapbooking, but they must have brought their cold weather with them, because we had 10 inches of snow here and the retreat was canceled.
Thankfully a friend invited us to join a group at her large home, so we were a warm and happy bunch of scrapbookers there for a few days.
(Happy scrapbookers: Virginia Plummer, Roddell Merrill, April Dawson, Betty Adams, Lanita Medina, Linda Adams, our hostess Timna Hughes, Fred & Diana Adams)
When Linda heard that our annual church camping retreat in
the Redwoods would not be held this year because of the economy, she decided
we would go somewhere else. The first week of June found us flying i
The Medina family: Ben, Lanita, Kandice, Norman, Kami Kay & Krista
We were enjoying squash and eggplant until the gophers decided to take over. We are so thankful for our helper, Victor, who does all the heavy leg work for us. He also helps get the winter firewood supply for us, Fred, and Diana. Our winter garden is now planted so we will be ready to enjoy fresh veggies in the spring.
Thanks to our son Fred who signed Betty up on Facebook we have been in contact with more of you during the past few months. She does find it somewhat of a challenge and doesn’t keep up with it as much as the younger folks.
May you be blessed with good health and happiness in the coming year is our wish for each one of you.
~ Celian & Betty Adams ~ |
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