Enjoying Life in the Mission
Daniel stands next to a Russian Antonov AN-2 - the world's largest single-engine biplane.
This amazing plane can haul 1-1/2 tons of cargo or passengers, and is commonly used in the remote regions of Venezuela. It can safely land and take off from short, uneven jungle airstrips, ones that even the small Cessnas are unable to use.
Dr. Mike and Daniel just can't resist
Here's a view of the instrument panel.
Dr. Brent Hildebrand is at the stick now.
Corrie likes flying too, so she's getting her turn - to pose in the cockpit. All of the above would have loved to have a ride in this AN-2!
The interior cargo space is HUGE!
The AN-2 has a powerful 1,000 HP, nine cylinder radial engine, and a giant 12-foot four-bladed propeller. Daniel sure wants to fly this "Giant Bumblebee" as he calls it!
The cargo of gasoline barrels, propane, mattresses
and other items has been unloaded
Within less than a minute it's up in the air
Meanwhile, the IRR team members and their kids have to squeeze into the tiny Cessna to reach their destinations.
Here's some of the scenery
This aerial view shows the village of Maurak in the foreground. Beyond is the campus of Colegio Gran Sabana, Adventist Medical Aviation base and International Rescue & Relief compound.
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