Mission Projects, Inc.
Making a Difference - For Eternity!

Worthy Student Aid
Enabling promising young people to learn and serve


Students at Linda Vista University in Chiapas, Mexico





Each year dozens of promising students anxiously wait for a positive response to the question, “Will I be able to continue my studies this year?”





Graduates from Linda Vista University in Chiapas, Mexico

MPI has provided financial aid for hundreds of students, and year after year
we receive positive feedback about students who have completed their studies.

Linda Vista nursing student Roxana Ocaña treating patient



Many are serving productively as pastors, teachers, nurses, accountants and in other areas.


Chol student Eliso Jimenez at Linda Vista University





Students from different Indian tribes are in special need of assistance.  This Chol student has translated Bible lessons into his own dialect. 

Upon receiving notice of assistance, he responded with this thank-you message to MPI donors in Chol.Writing in Chol dialect




Antonio Diaz of San Lorenzo, Chiapas, Mexico with his daughters


Antonio Diaz studied at San Lorenzo school, then continued his education at Linda Vista College and Montemorelos University in Mexico.

He married and has two lovely girls.  A native Chamula Indian, he speaks Tzotzil fluently.

He served as a pastor among his people, baptizing many hundreds and ministering in dozens of churches.

Antonio Diaz in Oaxaca river ready for baptism

Currently Antonio is working in remote mountain regions of Oaxaca, Mexico.  After many years, he continues to maintain contact with MPI, grateful for donors who made it possible for him to do what he loves most - preach the Gospel and lead people to Jesus.

Mexican student with Bible at Colegio Linda Vista



Potential aid recipients are carefully screened.  We also take into account what they have earned selling books during the summer and what they can earn working 5 hours a day during the school year.


Chamula Indian student at Linda Vista







Aid from MPI is sent directly to the school where they study, and the amount varies, according to available funds and student needs.





José Puc Tuz graduating from Nursing at Colegio Linda Vista

Your contribution to this program will make a difference in the future
of a young person, and his or her education will have the potential
of affecting hundreds or even thousands for eternity!

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