Mission Projects, Inc.
Making a Difference - For Eternity!

Church Roofs
Completing Houses of Worship



Adventist believers meet in a crowded facility in the Chiapas mountains



In spite of political unrest, an unstable economy and religious persecution in southern Mexico, the church continues to grow at a rapid pace.




Adventists by their unfinished church



Each year, many hundreds abandon their pagan traditions of drunken feasts, image worship and witchcraft to a life of joy and fulfillment in knowing Jesus as their Savior.


Baptized Adventist believers in Chiapas, Mexico



As our network of laymen work diligently planting Gospel seeds in unentered areas, thousands are baptized, resulting in the urgent need for dozens of church buildings.



Unfinished Adventist church in Jitotol, Chiapas, Mexico



New believers eagerly sacrifice time and money to build a house of worship.  But so often their funds run out and the building remains unfinished for many years.



Adventist worshippers sitting outdoors

Meanwhile, worshipers spill out of crowded homes.

Makeshift benches under trees for Sabbath worship




Others sit on makeshift
benches under trees.



Simple pole church frame in Mexico





A financial boost of $500 to $1,000 dollars will often provide materials to complete the roof, providing shelter from hot sun and torrential downpours.



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