MPI Newsletter
June 2003

Page 3


Breakdowns and Blessings . . .
By June Anderson

          As I ponder the memories of our trip to Mexico, the words of the song "My Tribute" keep running through my mind: "How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me, things so undeserved, yet You give to prove Your love for me?"

          God's love came through loud and clear in many ways on this trip. Even after checking things out to the very best of human ability before leaving, we had many problems with our truck. To be stranded beside the road on three different occasions is not my idea of a good time! But it amazes me that even though we were in situations completely out of our control, God was still in charge.

           Our first breakdown happened on a curvy mountain road in Mexico, where it took two days to get the problem fixed. But God was there, working through our Mexican bus driver Norberto. We could not speak each others’ languages, but Norberto could see that we didn't have the right tools to remove the wheel bearings and related components. A trucker pulled up, and after talking with Norberto he went back to his "tool kit" ( it was a plastic coolant container with the top cut out) and brought one of the tools we needed. But we still lacked another tool, and about that time another trucker pulled in. He checked his "tool kit" and found the other tool we needed! That to me was a definite God solution! And during the next two days, several Mexicans made multiple trips to the city, hours away, until the right parts could be located and installed. We felt so blessed!

           The second breakdown happened on our return trip, where we spent half a day in sweltering heat, while again people volunteered their time to find parts and assist with repairs. A week later found us in a blinding Wyoming snowstorm, where our transmission gave out. But once again, God provided the people and facilities to cover our needs. We have so much to be thankful for!

           In many ways, these trips are like three blind men trying to describe an elephant as one feels a leg, another the trunk and a third the tail. That’s because our impressions come from what we were doing while we were in San Lorenzo—whether it was working in the cafeteria, building six classrooms, working with the medical and dental teams or doing evaluations for the needs in the village. For me, going into the homes of the villagers was most rewarding, because I actually saw for myself what life is like for them. We have so much and they have so little!

           Even after giving everything we had to give, the needs were still numberless, and it seemed that what we could do was kind of hopeless. But after talking with a friend, I came to realize they are still better off than when we arrived.

           Elaine Fithian from Nevada took a lot of Vacation Bible School craft supplies. I really enjoyed observing the response of the children when they got to do something as simple as coloring a picture. Some of the children just held the markers in their hands—they didn't even know how to use them! They had fun watching the color it made on their coloring pages.

         And it was a joy to watch our students from DayStar and Sandia View Academies interact with these young villagers—whether it was handing out clothes and toys, helping with VBS or sifting sand for construction.

          We had the opportunity to make new friends that we’ll probably never see again until Heaven. As the memories blend in now with life back in the wonderful United States, it makes me think again of the song:

“My Tribute” –“To God be the glory, for the things He hath done!”


June Anderson and her husband Mel live near Bozeman, Montana. June handles MPI correspondence while Mel buys used vehicles, fixes them up, and sells them to support mission projects in Mexico.
Let’s hope the ones he sells hold up better than their own truck did!


La Loma Luz Adventist Hospital

Facility Comes Under New Management

By Jerry & Wendy Harris

          Loma Luz Hospital (LLL) is located in the beautiful country of Belize. The sounds of birds call the workers to an early rising and ocean breezes cool the warm land. Many blessings have been bestowed on this land and it is a beautiful sight to any who get to see it. Twenty miles east of Guatemala, the hospital is located on a hillside. It has been faithfully serving the people of Belize since 1971.

           The most significant happening at LLL this year is the hiring of a new hospital administrator filling a position that has been vacant since June 2002. Hospital management is nothing new to LLL administrator Jorge Newball. He has been the administrator of the Adventist hospital in Curaçao, Netherlands Antiles, the Adventist hospital in Barquisi-meto, Venezuela and most recently at the Valley of the Angels Adventist Hospital in Honduras.

Commenting on his call to come to La Loma Luz, Mr. Newball said, “When we were asked to come to La Loma Luz Hospital, we prayed and felt impressed that the Lord wanted us to come, though we had other plans. We are sure that the Lord is going to bless our contribution to this institution, and each day we place our efforts in His hand.”

          There has also been a reorganization of the local LLL Board. This board has been working hard on a “master plan” for the hospital, allowing it to better serve the people. Also, they are working on making sure all procedures and documents are in order to meet the progressing requirements of the country. This has meant a lot of volunteer hours for the board members, which meet once every two weeks in order to accomplish these goals. The board has many gifted members with a variety of skills and talents. This has been a wonderful blessing for the issues and projects that the board has been working on. Some recent additions to the board include Jack Barnes, a retired executive with Dell Computers, Marcel Bedran, a local real estate agent, John Acott, an international transportation specialist, and Dr. Alfonso Ayala, a local government physician. We are thankful for the hard work and dedication these board members have freely given to LLL.

          Another blessing to La Loma Luz has been that of Kevin and Jealynn Bahnmiller, BOTH 2002 graduates of Walla Walla College. Kevin gave 7 months of his time to establish a previously nonexistent accounting system making management of the whole institution easier. Kevin’s dedication and attention to details has immensely helped the hospital. Kevin and Jealynn are leaving soon, but we are extremely grateful for their dedication to the hospital.

Jerry & Wendy Harris live in Castle Valley, Utah, where Jerry serves as Principal of DayStar Academy and volunteers for MPI as Treasurer.

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