Lacandón Indians
Following the traditions of their ancestors for hundreds of years, the Lacandón men and women are distinguished by their long black hair and white tunics.
Living in isolated jungles in a remote corner of Chiapas, Mexico, only about 600 of these pure-blooded remnants of the Mayas exist today. They still use bows and arrows for hunting and protection.
Our laymen have labored among the Lacandóns for many years, providing education for children & adults, teaching healthful living habits, and sharing the love of God so they no longer need fear the evil spirits.
The Lacandón people earn a few pesos by creating carved wood figures, bows and arrows and other unique items to be sold at Palenque and Bonampak Maya ruins.
Hollowed out logs serve as transportation on the river.
Since many Lacandóns are uneducated and cannot write, a recently submitted request contained mostly thumbprints instead of signatures!
MPI supports a Lacandón layman who works among his people to improve their lives and share a better way of life in other Lacandón villages. We also encourage them to retain their unique cultural heritage which is becoming increasingly threatened by modern civilization.