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Once we were properly positioned, the lights brightened,
three cameras lit up, and the interview began.





Don has a way of asking questions that draw out information and stories in a natural, conversational way, so the interview didn't go bad at all.



I'd expected to stumble around, have my brain go blank, have to do a bunch of re-takes, etc.  But to our surprise, things went quite smoothly!  The only problem were those countdown clocks all around us - we had four 12-minute segments, and the time passed surprisingly fast.  So there were a few things I would like to have included, but they just didn't fit! 

Everyone seemed happy with how things went though.  However, Don choked up and nearly "lost it" when Diana shared her perspectives on living with a paralyzed husband.

Whew, the interview is over, and we felt happy.  Don comes across as so relaxed, calm and says things so well.  Yet in between filming segments when we took short breaks, he paced the floor like a caged animal, admitting to us that he always feels nervous before getting up to preach or doing TV interviews.  We couldn't believe it - his camp meeting sermons and TV interviews are so powerful and natural, yet he was more nervous than we were.  And he's preached thousands of times around the world!


Back in the control room, Kevin gave instructions to each cameraman as needed, told his assistants when to switch the view to a different camera angle, and who knows what else.  We got to watch an earlier interview so we could understand what happens behind the scenes.






Don's wife Marty was very helpful in explaining things to us before the filming.  We enjoyed a delicious meal after the interview.






So here I am, gulping down my food as Marty licks her finger and Kevin visits with me.

Don Schneider had two more interviews this afternoon - and four more tomorrow.  One is with the Chinese lady who is a Pastor in her home country, working on her doctorate.

So now we're back in our room, kindly paid for by AMP Studios. They also covered our round-trip travel expenses, which is a real blessing!

So that was our latest adventure! Tomorrow we head back home - a 450 mile drive with lots of big trucks and other vehicles with which to contend. We're looking forward to leaving this noisy, crowded place and enjoy our quiet, peaceful mountain home again!

With Love,

Fred & Diana Adams

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