Daniel's Perspective on
Friday, October 21, 2005

Manchester Tower, Cessna triple niner one seven ready for take
off. Cessna triple niner one seven. Position
and hold runway 17. Triple niner one seven, position and hold.
Good, I sighed and leaned
back in my seat a little to review the frequencies. Clearance Delivery- 135.9, Ground
control-121.9, Control Tower-121.3, ATIS-119.55 with Yankee. So many new terms and
regulations. Its like a new language.
Triple niner
one seven cleared for take off. Looking down the runway I felt dwarfed in the
Cessna 172 beside the heavy airliners all around me. I quickly swung into
action and pushed the small plane to full throttle and off I went, on my own. Cessna
Triple niner one seven, cleared for extended left down wind runway one seven. Youre
number tree after the Challenger.
This is a small peek into
what has been going on in my life over the last few months. The portion above is from my
second solo flight and my first solo flight at a controlled airport within class C
airspace! What a rush!
As most of you know I am in
Maine getting my pilot's license while staying with the Fernalds, who are good friends of
mine from earlier years in Maine. All has been rather quiet here except for the occasional
airplane that comes into the little airport where I work.
This time has given me room to sit back and look at my options and
what I want to do with my life and the more I study the more Im sure. I will be a
pilot in a mission field some day soon. I still have plans to go to Venezuela in early
January and work there for a year or so while learning many of the skills for a future
career and life in those lands. Until I have more time, this will have to do.
-Daniel Adams
