Daniel Takes His Parents on a Canoe
It was a joy to have him home again for several months. And we were glad he could knock down the tall grass in our orchard. It was getting to be a challenge to walk through it!
As usual, Daniel found it
But he was really helpful washing dishes and keeping the kitchen clean - a habit he'd picked up while working with fellow missionaries in Venezuela.
He also helped his grandparents hauling manure, cutting firewood and dozens of other jobs they needed help with.
Riding around in some of Grandpa Celian's contraptions is always an adventure. This happens to be a 1928 Ford Model AA truck with a Ford Courier pickup bed on the back.
Going up the mountain, the engine quit. Grandpa unhooked
the fuel line, blew out the sediment,
On Mother's Day Daniel shared a special breakfast with his parents & grand-parents at the Camino Adventist church.
Then he borrowed a canoe from a friend and down we went to Slab Creek Reservoir on the South Fork of the American River. It was quite full, with a lot of water pouring over the top.
We launched about 1/4 mile upriver and headed away from the dam in the smooth green water. I (Daniel's dad) had never been in a canoe since I'd become paralyzed more then 19 years before.
The canoe was very stable, and though I felt somewhat wobbly as a quadriplegic, I managed to stay in place propped up by pillows & cushions. Eventually we came within sight of North Cable Point and the old log chute, where Slab Creek joins the river.
The 3,000' log chute was in operation during the 1890's. Logs were floated downriver to the valley, where sawmills turned them into lumber. The current dam raised the water level, so we canoed into the rocky cut seen in the center of the photo at left.
Next Daniel paddled us into a side canyon where Slab Creek joins the river. It was cool, there were interesting plants & flowers along the bank, as well as mossy rocks and interesting places to explore.
Daniel got us right right up into the rushing white water, rocking the canoe and giving us a little "excitement." But we stayed upright, turned around and headed back toward the main canyon. The clear water revealed large trout and long veins of quartz in the rocks below us.
Back in the main canyon, we headed upriver a little more, and pretty soon we saw the remains of the Cable Car that transported lumber 2,800' across the canyon and 1,200' above the river.
And here's the Cable Car as it looked in the 1940's. My dad and grandmother rode across on it many years ago.
This view shows the entire cable span. Lumber
came from Pino Grande by steam train
After viewing a bit of history, we continued upriver, then we heard the sound of a small waterfall. Daniel backed us through a canopy of Dogwood branches into an open area where we enjoyed our lunch as well as the peaceful scenery around us.
Here we are, in amongst the Dogwood branches by the small waterfall, preparing to exit our tranquil hideout.
By then I was getting tired of trying to stay propped up in the canoe, so Daniel paddled us back down the canyon to the landing.
It's always special to spend quality time together as a family, and to enjoy Daniel's company before he takes off on his next adventures!