LaSal Mountain Rappelling Adventures
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Heidi Hunt is another expert at adventurous rappelling. |
Here she comes with her flying leaps! |
And flipping upside down while descending too! |
she went down the freefall overhang - face down. Looks uncomfortable! |
looks like she had fun though. Daniel & Lezli were at the
bottom waiting for her. |
all this was going on, the rest of us had a great view from our perches on the opposite
side. Though I wasn't able to rapell, it was fun being so close and watching the
others have fun for me! |
parents held on tightly as they peered down at the activity below. We couldn't
convince either of them to try it though! My dad said he could see no logical reason
to go down a vertical cliff face, dangling from a rope, only to have to come back up
again! |
others were rappelling, Daniel found a convenient place to relax, leaning against his
cousin Kandice. |
Kandice left, Lezli decided to be his backrest for awhile. By the look on her face,
Daniel must have a hard, boney back! |
There, that's more comfortable. |
Diana Adams and Vickie Sage sit nearby, keeping an eye on everything going on around
them. |
with the Medinas? Checking for lice or something? |
sister Linda decided she wanted to go down the overhanging ledge, where she dangled in
midair most of the way down. |
Yep, that's her, 'way up there! |
Now she's coming
through tree branches near the bottom. |
Krista enjoyed going down the freefall cliff as well. |
Coming in through the treetops! |