Union College
International Rescue & Relief Club
Igloo for Rent!
Information & photos courtesy of Union College and Lauren

Room for Rent: unfurnished, clean, white living space. Suitable for
one to two people. No electricity, no refrigerator needed.
Definitely the “coolest” option for on-campus living. Contact anyone
in the IRR program at Union College for more details.
igloo was built on January 13, 2005 by Mike Duerhssen (IRR Program
Director), Nathan Krehbiel, Garrett McLarty, Chris Kinney, Greg
Okimi, and Ricky Jimenez. It took about seven hours to complete. The
igloo was built to bring attention to the new International Rescue
and Relief program at Union. The project provided students in the
program with a way to protect themselves should the need arise.
first people to sleep in the igloo on Thursday night were Mike
Duerhssen, Nathan Krehbiel, Ricky Jimenez, Greg Okimi, and Garrett
McLarty. Though the temperature outside was chilly (about seven
degrees below zero F), they all stayed warm inside the igloo. Their
water bottles didn’t freeze and though space was a little tight, it
was pretty comfortable.
following night, when temperatures reached a low of -17 F, Shawndra
McComb, Kim Barton, Corrie Sample, and Ashley Quirindongo
were the brave women who slept in the igloo. After that, some group
slept in the igloo every night. Nathan Krehbiel said that if this
keeps up, they might have to start charging rent. So if you’re
looking for cheap, comfortable, warm housing, keep the igloo in

This training in winter survival skills is one of
many practical experiences international rescue and relief students
receive at Union College.
here for further details about Union College's International
Rescue and Relief program.
A Career of Adventure, A Lifetime of Service |